Live, Laugh, Dynam0e.
Creator Boundaries (2022) | |
The Dynam0e Image and Namesake | PFP's allowed in a SFW context. You may make fan accounts such as update accounts or accounts with name "m0e" included. Do not partake in drama or problematic activity whilst using my name or image. Do not take pictures of me in public without my consent. |
Dynam0e Fanart and other Fan-works | Do not alter my body type (drawing me thinner or thicker). Do not misrepresent me as a Filipino person (exceptions to be made in fantasy situations such as giving me pink skin because I'm an alien in the work). I am partial to gore, as drawing Dyna Darkmode (with knives, bloodstains, etc.) is ok but drawing me or Nox being/committing brutal torture is not ok. I am ok with being included in fanfiction in a non-sexual context. |
On the Dynam0e Chatters | Follow basic chat rules and manners, offliners not exempt. Chat-hopping is welcome, but do not announce arrival or departure (use !lurk/!unlurk). I am not a messenger for other streamers, please contact them on their own socials. Do not spam to complain about issues me or the mods cannot fix (ads, personal internet connection, therapy, emergency services). I am NOT your therapist or best friend. I stream on my own terms, I know my limits (do not tell me when I should stop or start my own streams.) |
- Twitch
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- Business Inquiries
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- Gank